Word Grindings



The new sun fired up and began to bask in itself. Suns can do that.
A long arm came from behind the bushes, at least ten-foot long.
Very few of the badgermen came back from the battle.
A lot of people pooh-pooh the existence of hats.
Nowhere are writers needed more urgently than the sewers.
The only way to get there is to forge a Bohemian passport.
Hands came from my pockets and grabbed at my face.
Birthmarks, aside from their value, are not negotiable.
Happily married dogs
Farmers and ranchers at constant war down at Ray’s Food Place.
Fucking weak keyboards are the work of three devils.
Hard to find solace in cheeseburgers these days, said the former heavyweight.
Flights of fancy leaving Las Vegas on the hour.
Handguns following their ancestors to the sea.
Maligned, beaten, lost and folded up like three-hole binder paper.
Far-sighted city planners stole their own budget and put it on the horses.
Plants, following the sun, left Earth.
Snowboarding fails the test of seriousness. But why?
Germophobes missing out on charity dances.
Wadded up and stuffed into cargo pockets.
Famously insulting ravioli.
Hard-edged glass music.
Farthing water cups.
Failed space programs littered the Kansas turnpikes.
Not knowing where to place loyalty, we left it at the bus stop.
Surfing all day and accounting all night.
Part city, part lagoon. Open all night. Easy truck turn-around.
No minding the store tonight, I thought, I’m going to take part in the earthquake.
Houses built too close to nothing.
Falling and yet not worried. Mostly.
Music composed to not play in cemeteries.
Vacant teenagers and filled elders.
Emptied of soul, fabric evaporates.
Denied a home at the Indy 500, horses sulk.
Breaking into a bank, again and again, mainly out of boredom.
Half-investigated graffiti.
Pried-off Num-Lock keys stuffed in anger into an envelope and mailed to NBA headquarters.
Not failing, just not interested in failing.
Watching the clock, and getting caught. Because it’s a crime to know what time it is.
Touring the giant sinkhole. Get a wristband so you can come and go!
Parking is free until it becomes unreasonable to offer that.
Hapless. No hap at all.
Farther, I muttered, and sat down.